Monday, April 25, 2022

Vengeance Rising - Battle 12 - Tomb Kings vs Warriors of Chaos - 30/6/12

Well onto the first battle report of the day. It was going to be Warriors of Chaos against my Tomb Kings gun line so to speak. Taking this list purely for fun and a bit of a laugh. I've no doubt its effectiveness will disappoint me but we'll see how it goes anyway. Taking out armour is always going to be a struggle with S3 fire.

Blood & Glory



Level 3 - Fire
10 Warriors of Khorne - XHW
10 Warriors of Slaanesh - Halberds
15 Warriors of Tzeentch - Hw/Shield
6 Knights of Tzeentch
5 Knights of Tzeentch
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh
4 Trolls
2 x Warshrines of Slaanesh

Tomb Kings

LHP - Death
3 x 20 Archers - Std/Mus
3 x 5 Horse Archers
8 Ushabti - Bows, Std, Mus
4 Ushabti - Bows
2 x Necrolith Collosus - Great Bows

WOC- Fortitude - 6, Breaking point 2
TK - Fortitude - 6, breaking point 2


Spells -

Level 3 - firestorm, fireball, flaming sword

Hierophant - veng, desiccation, smiting, protection
Death - spirit leech, fate, doom, sun

Chaos wins the roll off. My initial concerns were just not having the consistent ability to do damage to the enemy army, just far too much armour!!


Everything advances, all tests passed.

Ruby ring goes off on the big ushabti doing no damage. Fire ball does 5 hits and 2 wounds. Firestorm fails.

WS buffs warriors with +1 Ld.

TK 1

Bit of reshuffling.

Magic - I roll 3 x 1s on my opening spell of Vengeance. Yay. 6 dice purple sun, IF, (forgot to roll 7 dice to gain power dice as well!) death priest jumps in the warp. Sensational. 2 trolls die and a single knight.

SSC scatters and kills a horse archer.

Trolls lose a model to shooting.


Trolls charge into Horse archers. Warriors of Khorne into Horse archers flank.

Purple sun moves away from the battle.

Magic fails to cast ring, dispel fireball onto ushabti.

Warshrine onto warriors again, they get +1S.

Warriors mince through HA. Overrun and run into knights halting there momentum.
Troll kills HA and overrun into Ushabti.


Bone giants and small Ushabti charge into khorne warriors.

Stalkers arrive behind knights.

Purple sun moves 4" north.

Powered up smiting goes off. Heals Ushabti, and archer.

Stalkers kill 3 knights. pass panic.

SSC misfires.

BSB takes a wound from archer fire. 6 warriors drop from archer fire. panic passed.

Ushabti chop up troll and reform slightly to face threats on west flank.

Giant takes a wound, Ushabti takes a wound, everyone carves up the warriors (Unstoppable Assault FTW!!). Overrun into Knights and BSB. Ushabti reform.


Warriors charge into archers. Hellcannon charges into archers on back line.

Purple sun moves off board. I scroll flaming sword on warriors to prevent auto wounds.

Warshrine gives warriors +1 armour save.

Hellcannon kills 6 and further 6 crumble. 8 remain.

Warriors kill archers and overrun into second unit.

Bone giants kill BSB and knight. Reform to face warriors rear.


Bone giants into rear/flank of warriors.

Desiccation on warriors, casket goes off but does nothing. Powered up smiting goes off again healing some wounds!

Shooting all does nothing. :(

In combat the bone giant kills the Level 4 equalling his breaking point. :)

Result - Tomb Kings Victory

Wow, what a sensational game. First off I thought I was in a world of hurt from the first turn just with damage output. The purple sun was really going to disrupt the opponents plans but it decided to float away. The gunline is a pretty cool concept although I'm not sure on the longevity of it. The Bone giants won me the game hands down. Cleaned up the warriors of khorne, some knights and the BSB, and then smashed the general for the victory. They never hit with their bows but I think it certainly gives the opponent something to think about and be aware of what they can do. I was hoping to pull the knights out of formation so they exposed a flank and I could get a shot in with the bolt throwers but this result is far better!

I was reckless with the purple sun but it was the only way it was going to go off. If I stayed composed I think I should have perhaps spirit leeched something and doom and darkness on something as well but all good. The powered up smiting's really saved me as well. My opponent couldn't roll high enough and I through 6 dice at them and luckily didn't get box cars.

Thoughts and comments always welcome.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Vengeance Rising - Battle 11 - Tomb Kings vs Warriors of Chaos - 26/06/12

The Battle for Eclipse Tower



Level 4 - Tzeentch, Puppet, Golden eye, Roar, disc, I10 sword
Level 2 - Tzeentch, Blood of Tzeen, Talisman of Pro
BSB - MOT, Banner of the Gods
49 Chaos Marauders of Tzeentch - FC, LA, Shields
20 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch - FC, Warbanner
19 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle - FC, GW, Festering Shroud
Chaos Giant of Slaanesh


Tomb Prince - Armour of Destiny, GW
LHP - Scroll
LHP - Book of Ashur, Ironcurse, Lore of Death
21 Archers - Std
20 Archers - Std
6 Chariots - Flaming
6 Necropolis Knights - Std, Mus
38 Tomb Guard - FC, Banner of Swiftness


level 4 - baneful transformagation, call to glory, pande, gateway
level 2 - curse of the leper, glorious rot

hiero - cursed blades, protection, smiting, desiccaiton
death - doom, sun, caress, soulblight


TK 1

Purple sun goes off towards the Hell cannon killing 2 crew.

Soulblight onto the Warriors in the building IF, power drain - carress of laneth is the only spell I end up with left!

2 dead warriors in building from shooting.


Pandemonium goes through, gateway onto the Tomb Guard fails to dispel by 1. Lose 7 models.

Hellcannon onto Tomb Guard but misfires causing a S10 hit on the template. 8 croak it. Hellcannon can no longer fire.


Caress of laniph kills the level 4 miscasting and killing 8 TG.

Shooting kills 4 warriors in the watchtower.


Hellcannon applies pressure to the Tomb Guard flank whilst the Marauder block carefully advances.

Magic fails to do anything forthcoming. Purple Sun fizzes out.


Necropolis knights charge into warriors. Chariots into the flank of marauders.

Cursed blades on NK.
Desiccation on hellcannon.

Shooting kills another warrior in the watch tower.

In combat the Necroknights are left with 3 models. :(

Marauders pass Break test and reform.


Hellcannon charges Hierotitan and takes a wound from difficult terrain.

Dispel and Scroll magic phase.

Knights take 2 wounds from festering shroud.

HT and HC deal a wound each to draw a combat.

Knights are destroyed and warriors reform to face East.

Chariots and Marauders keep dishing out pain and the chariot loses one model.


TG charges building.

Magic - cursed blades on TG
Dess on Hellcannon

Shooting - 1 nurgle warrior dead

Combat leaves 1 chariot left on 2 wounds.

Prince fluffs all attacks and Tomb Guard perform poorly pushing me out of the building.


Giant advances on Tomb Guard, Warriors of Nurgle face South.

Remaining chariot falls to Rot glorious rot in the magic phase.

Hierotitan wounds Hellcannon.

Brother rolls a 6 ending the game.

Result – WOC Victory

In conclusion the list performed well, would have been much better provided I didn't miscast on two dice on turn 1. Really missed not having options for the level 4 death priest in the later game, doom and darkness could have really come in handy.

My own debrief:

Deployment – Plan was to capture the tower late game with the Tomb Guard. Chariots and Necroknights to hold up blocks. I was really banking on lore of death to help me get rid of the Hellcannon.

Turn 1 – Solid start to the game although purple sun not taking out the Hellcannon was just plain unlucky and then backing that trend up with rolling boxcars for soulblight was just terrible! Oh the pain!

Turn 2 - Another miscast but at a appropriate cost this time taking out the enemy level 4 wizard. I perhaps should have used the Knights here instead to immediately start hammering away at the warriors in the building rather than going for the turn 4 capture with the Tomb Guard.

Turn 3 – Big mistake here on my part, I should have combined my combats and put the chariots into the flank of the warriors, I’m confident I would have dished out enough hurt to either break them or destroy them allowing both units a good chance at overrunning into the Marauders.

Turn 4 – The push for the tower ultimately failed. The prince rolled 2 x 1’s and a 2 so there was no love there and I think the Tomb Guard themselves even with 5+ KB only managed a measly 3 wounds.

Game over.

Had the game progressed and I had managed to get into the tower I would have no doubt been counter attacked by the second unit of warriors. At this stage I think they had barely two ranks left so with a bit of shooting and magic I’m confident I could have secured the watch tower. However none of this matters now! :)

Unit breakdowns:

Tomb Prince - Armour of Destiny, GW

Didn’t do anything notable of the whole game, the WS boost didn’t even matter for the Tomb Guard. Can’t be judged on a single game though however.

LHP - Scroll
LHP - Book of Ashur, Ironcurse, Lore of Death

Great magic setup.

21 Archers - Std
20 Archers – Std

Standard core choices for me currently.

6 Chariots – Flaming

I need to play around with the chariots a lot more. I’m dirty on them for a number of reasons, firstly I snapped one of the crew members in half. Secondly I should have slammed them into the warriors flank. I think armour just puts me off attacking anything.

6 Necropolis Knights - Std, Mus

Love the knights even though I used them very poorly this game.

38 Tomb Guard - FC, Banner of Swiftness

I’m sure I can get use to having these guys in a list, good sized unit but once again this battle report doesn’t do a whole lot to showcase them as anything but expensive bone shields.


Standard rare choices. Hierotitan really put the pressure on the opponent by boosting spells and making those easy 2 dice dispels becoming spells that required 3 dispel dice to get rid of.

Next game could either be a 2500 point or a 1500 point depending on if I enter a local campaign which would be interesting as I don’t mind the smaller games at all.

Thoughts and comments appreciated.