Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Legion Battle Report - Palps vs Versio

Welcome to another battle report played on 30/06/2020 against my eldest son. I was happy to run my 7 activation Palpatine list from my last game to get another challenge and he certainly didn't let me down. He's always been using Iden Versio since I got her and I haven't even had a chance to use the model myself in a game!

My list:

Emperor Palpatine (Force Choke, Force Push, Anger, Commanding Presence)
Darth Vader (Operative) (Force Choke, Force Push, Endurance)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Imperial Royal Guards (Electrostaff Guard, Tenacity, Environmental Gear)
Dewback Rider (Tenacity, T-21 Blaster Rifle)

The thoughts behind this list was originally intended just to run Palpatine as I have had no experience with him. I also hadn't seen much use of Operative Vader so was keen to get him onto the table and see what he could do. Backed up with 'Pulling the Strings' I was hopeful he would cause havoc as he did in the last game.

Stormtroopers were here just to fill out corp units and even though I could probably find something more efficient than a Dewback, I really do enjoy the model and the ball of muscle it brings to the table even though it probably is a little expensive points wise.

And Now You Will Die (1), Vader's Might (1), New Ways to Motivate Them (2), Give in to Your Anger (2), An Entire Legion (3), Master of Evil (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: Battle Lines, Hemmed In, Danger Close, Advanced Positions
Objectives: Intercept the Transmissions, Hostage Exchange, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies
Conditions: Limited Visibility, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop, Minefield

Landon's List

Iden Versio (Offensive Push, Hunter, Targeting Scopes, Idens TL-50 Repeater)
Iden Versio(Loadout) (Idens DLT-20A Rifle, Idens ID10 Seeker Droid)
Boba Fett (Offensive Push, Hunter)
DF-90 Mortar Trooper
DF-90 Mortar Trooper
Shoretroopers (T-21B Trooper, Shoretrooper)
Shoretroopers (T-21B Trooper, Shoretrooper)
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) (DLT-19x Sniper)
Imperial Death Troopers (DLT-19D Trooper, E-11D Grenade Launcher Config)

My sons choice revolved around a high activation count as he previously enjoyed swarms in X-Wing. Multiple units of infantry backed up with some powerhouses such as Deathtroopers and Boba Fett. We both were equally surprised at what could be fit in to an 800 point list however the cost was he'd never be blue player. Having to play your opponents objectives all the time meant his list would have to be finely tuned to take on any situation.

Pulse Scan (1), Ambush (1), Concussive Blast (2), Incapacitate (2), Z-6 Jetpack Rocket (3), Tactical Strike (3), Standing Orders (4)

I was on 783 points so had initiative. We ended up with the following with me being focused on getting the 'Limited Visibility' condition card, to ensure his long range advantage wouldn't be able to be cut my forces down in the first two turns.

Deployment: Battle Lines

Condition: Limited Visibility

Objective: Intercept the Transmissions

My thoughts going into the game was to anchor one of the objectives with a single unit of Stormtroopers then attempt to swarm the centre one causing as much damage as possible. I was concerned with Boba however as he's so tough to take out.

My son's plan for deployment was similar to mine although without quite the level of understanding of the game objective he was under the impression the amount of units you had at the objective related to the amount of victory points you would gain at the end of rounds 2, 4 and end of game.


Turn 1 

Give into Your Anger (2) vs Ambush (1)

Face up order token issued to Boba Fett, far NW Mortar (GITYA), Palpatine and Royal Guard.

Landon: Mortar double moves towards Iden.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers, move towards Western objective.

Landon: Boba Fett double moves towards central objective.

James: Random draw Dewback spurs twice up the flank to engage mortar next round.

Landon: Random draw Stormtroopers on Eastern flank double move onto objective.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers on my East move towards central objective and snap off a round at Boba for suppression only being the first shot of the game.

Landon: Random draw for central Stormtroopers who double move towards Eastern objective.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers, double move towards central objective.

Landon: Random draw Shoretroopers close to Iden, who double move to Eastern objective.

James: Royal Guard double move towards centre objective to engage next turn.

Landon: Random draw for remaining Shoretroopers who move outside of tree line and shoot onto opposite Stormtroopers completely destroying them.

James: Random draw Operative Vader, double spurs and Force Throws killing Shoretrooper scattering unit into range 1 and force choking another.

Landon: Random draw Iden who double moves towards centre objective.

James: Palpatine moves forward and uses 'Pulling the Strings' on Vader who spurs into the Shoretroopers cutting them down.

Landon: Mortar double moves to central objective. Sniper team move and shoot onto Vader for nil hits. Death troopers double move onto central objective.

Turn 2 

Master of Evil (3) vs Concussive Blast (2)

Iden takes faceup token as does Vader, Palpatine and Royal Guard.

Landon: Random draw Sniper team. Take an aim action and drop 2 Stormtroopers.

James: Vader rallies one token. Dumps suppression on 6 units. Spurs once towards Iden. Force Chokes the DLT Deathtrooper before charging into combat and putting 5 wounds on Iden. Force Push Boba towards the Royal Guard.

Landon: Iden activates and uses Quick thinking. Attacks Vader back for 2 wounds (didn't spend dodge token).

James: Royal Guard activate and charge Boba doing a single wound.

Landon: Random draw for Stormtroopers who move and shoot onto Stormtroopers opposite centre objective for a single suppression.

James: Random draw Dewback who rallies. Spurs twice into combat with Mortar and does 2 wounds.

Landon: Random draw Shoretroopers who double move to central objective.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers on Western flank who move out of line of sight of enemy troops but remain within range 1 of objective to capture.

Landon: Random draw Boba kills Royal guard. 

James: Palpatine moves towards central objective and uses 'Pulling the Strings' on the Royal guards who do no damage to Boba (4 hits).

Landon: Random draw for central Mortar. Rallies 2 suppression out of 3 off. Takes an aim action and shoots onto Palps for 2 damage (Forgot about Guardian...). Stormtrooper dies from Guardian and Palp saves remaining.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers. Fail to rally. Moves towards central objective.

Landon: Random draw Deathtroopers. Fail to rally and shoot onto Palps for a suppression only. Mortar rolls 7 rally dice and drops 3 suppression tokens. Attacks Dewback for no damage. Last unit of Stormtroopers holds tight on objective.

I gain 1 victory token for controlling Western objective whilst my son scores 2 victory tokens for controlling the central and Eastern.

Turn 3

Vader's Might (1) vs Tactical Strike (3)

Vader and Royal Guard gain a faceup order token whilst Iden, Shoretroopers who coordinate onto Mortar. Deathtroopers and central unit of Stormtroopers.

James: Vader activates and kills Iden. Force chokes a Death trooper and uses Vader's might on the Death troopers, they get launched range one and that kills another. Vader uses force push to push the Shoretroopers away from central objective and moves into melee with the Stormtroopers. 

Landon: Shoretroopers activate moving and shooting onto the single Stormtrooper killing him. 

James: Random draw, got Palpatine fails to rally. Uses 'Pulling the Strings' on Vader and kills the unit of Stormtroopers. Palpatine the uses force lightning on the Sniper team and kills them. 

Landon: Deathtroopers activate and rallies and gets rid of two suppression then shoots at Vader no damage. 

James: Random activate Stormtroopers move to objective shoots on to the Shoretroopers only suppression. 

Landon: Mortar unit activates, aims and attacks Stormtroopers for 2 suppression damage only.

James: Dewback activates fail to rally attacks on to the Mortar no damage. Takes a dodge token.

Landon: Random draw Mortar unit engaged with Dewback. Withdraws away.

James: Royal Guards uses discipline get rid of suppression aim and attacks Boba gets two wounds off on Boba. 

Landon: Random draw of Stormtroopers who aim and shoot onto Vader. 3 hits and another 2 damage. Boba Fett activates aims then attacks the Royal Guard killing one of them. 

Turn 4

An Entire Legion (3) vs Standing Orders (4)

James: Palpatine activates using 'Pulling the Strings' on Vader. Moves and attacks Shoretroopers for 3 kills.

Landon: Shoretroopers activate, aim and do 3 damage on Vader who rolls blanks. Dead Vader.

James: Dewback activates moving into melee and killing Mortar. Spurs and moves into treeline.

Landon: Random draw Deathtroopers who put 2 wounds onto Palpatine.

James: Stormtroopers activate does not rally and just moves. 

Landon: Mortar activates aims and shoots onto the Stormtrooper no damage. 

James: Royal Guards activates then aims and attacks Boba no damage. 

Landon: Boba activates then aims and attacks onto the Royal Guards and does one wound. 

I manage to gain a single victory point this round for controlling the Western objective however my son nabs two victory points for controlling the others taking the total to 2 vs 4 in his favour.

Turn 5 

And now you will die (1) vs Standing orders (4)

James: Palpatine activates and suffers two wounds for aims and attacks and kills both the Shoretroopers and the Deathtroopers. 'Pulling the Strings' onto Dewback who spurs and charges into the Mortar who saves 3 damage!

Landon: Random draw for Stormtroopers who move and fire onto Palpatine (critical) who fails the save. Oh dear.

James: Royal Guard activate taking a dodge token and putting a single wound onto Boba (one remaining).

Landon: Random draw Mortar. Fails to rally. Disengages and moves away from Dewback.

James: Random draw Stormtrooper. Aims then shoots onto the Mortar no wounds and one suppression. 

Landon: Random draw Boba Fett who withdraws from combat.

James: Dewback aims, spurs into combat with the Stormtroopers and kills 2.

Turn 6

Standing Orders (4) vs Jetpack Rocket (4)

Landon: Boba Fett moves and uses Offensive Push for an aim token launching an assault into the Stormtroopers killing 3.

James: Random draw Stormtroopers fail to rally and move behind building still in range of objective.

Landon: Mortar moves into range 1 of objective and takes a dodge action.

James: Royal guard charge into Mortar failing to kill it.

Landon: Stormtroopers withdraw into range 1 of central objective.

James: Dewback fails to rally, moves and manages melee with the Stormtroopers only killing one trooper.

With the centre contested and the lone trooper holding the flank objective I score an additional 2 victory points taking each sides total to 4.

Result - Draw


Without a doubt this is the most nail biting games of Legion I've had so far. The 'swingy' dice rolls were certainly frustrating as my son always seemed to roll blocks when he needed them. I failed to remember Guardian a few times which could have possibly helped out and should have used my positioning more wisely in order to narrow firing alleys. Keeping units such as the Stormtroopers out of mortar line of sight towards the later rounds.

The longer the game on, the more it turned into a chess match and both my son and I really enjoyed it.

We enjoyed a de-brief after and spoke about some of the changes to each lists to improve it. I think with my play style I'd possibly drop Force Push on Palpatine and replace it with Force Reflexes allowing him to at least have another line of defence. Of course, it could be argued that I should just position him better but I find him tricky to use without having 'Relentless' to lean on to ensure he's able to attack each turn.

Having Aggressive Tactics would be very handy as the amount of surges that were rolled for the Royal Guard and Operative Vader who simply couldn't do anything with it.

If you've got this far I thank you for reading. If you have any suggestions or feedback of any sort I'd appreciate them. The aim is to simply produce the best text and image based battle reports for Star Wars Legion.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Legion Battle Report - Palps vs Andor

Welcome to another battle report for Star Wars Legion, playing against my son.

My list:

Emperor Palpatine (Force Choke, Force Push, Anger, Commanding Presence)

Darth Vader (Operative) (Force Choke, Force Push, Endurance)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Stormtroopers (Impact Grenades)
Imperial Royal Guards (Electrostaff Guard, Tenacity, Environmental Gear)
Dewback Rider (Tenacity, T-21 Blaster Rifle)

And Now You Will Die (1), Vaders Might (1), New Ways to Motivate Them (2), Give in to Your Anger (2), An Entire Legion (3), Master of Evil (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: Battle Lines, Hemmed In, Danger Close, Advanced Positions
Objectives: Intercept the Transmissions, Hostage Exchange, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies
Conditions: Limited Visibility, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop, Minefield

Son's list:

Cassian Andor (Hunter, Offensive Push, Targeting Scopes, A280-CFE Pistol Config)
Cassian Andor(Loadout) (Tenacity, A280-CFE Sniper Config)
K-2SO (Jyns SE-14 Blaster)
Rebel Troopers (Z-6 Trooper, Rebel Trooper, Targeting Scopes, Fragmentation Grenades)
Rebel Troopers (Z-6 Trooper, Rebel Trooper, Targeting Scopes, Fragmentation Grenades)
Rebel Troopers (Z-6 Trooper, Rebel Trooper, Targeting Scopes, Fragmentation Grenades)
Rebel Pathfinders (Pao, Hunter, Targeting Scopes, A-300 Long Range Config)
Tauntaun Riders (Hunter)
T-47 Airspeeder (Ax-108 Ground Buzzer)

Sabotaged Communications (1), Crack Shot (1), Turning the Tide (2), Last Stand (2), Sacrifice (3), Volunteer Mission (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: The Long March, Advanced Positions, Roll Out, Battle Lines
Objectives: Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Recover the Supplies, Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions
Conditions: Minefield, Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop

We played Battle Lines, Fortified Positions and Recover the Supplies for a second time. Please note that the original positions of the supplies are marked by red boxes on the map, and when a unit captured them they were noted as blue boxes.


Turn 1 

Give in to Your Anger (2) vs Sabotaged Communications (1)

GITYA played on Rebel Troopers (RT2), they double move away from board edge.

Random draw for Stormtroopers move into barricade and take a dodge token.

Random draw Pathfinders move out into line of sight and fire onto the Stormtroopers. One trooper drops.

Random draw Vader spurs to move into the tree line and takes a dodge token.

Random draw K2SO double moves towards the Stormtroopers in the tree line.

Palpatine activates, uses Pull the Strings on the Dewback who spurs, gets into range 3 of the Rebel troopers and drops 2. Then takes a single dodge action.

Airspeeder activates, performs a compulsory towards the Imperial lines. Takes an aim action and guns down two Royal Guard troopers. Ouch!

Random draw for Stormtroopers who double move into contact with Supplies.

Cassian Andor moves up into firing position for following turn.

Random draw for Stormtroopers. Fail to rally and just move towards the Airspeeder.

Random draw for Tauntauns advancing towards Imperial lines.

Random draw for Dewback. Aim action, spurs towards damaged Rebel Troopers and kills another two.

Random draw for Rebel Troopers who fail to rally and panic off the board.

Royal Guard move towards Airspeeder and crack off some useless shots.

Random draw for Rebel Troopers who move and claim a supply crate.

Turn 2

An Entire Legion (3) vs Last Stand (2)

Random draw Rebel Troopers who rally 2 out of 3 suppression and move towards the Imperial lines.

Stormtroopers move towards Airspeeder and lob grenades doing 3 damage.

Random draw K2SO. Calculate odds to share tokens with Andor then moves towards Imperials.

Emperor Palpatine moves towards Stormtroopers who have activated, uses Pull the Strings to get them to lob more grenades at the Airspeeder causing another damage.

Random draw Airspeeder. Moves towards Emperor Palpatine and takes an aim action. First shot hits nothing but air, ground buzzer does a single wound to Stormtroopers. 

Stormtroopers close to centre activate, grab supply box and move towards second box.

Cassian Andor goes tactical moving forward and re-configuring to pistol build.

Activate Royal Guard who aim and shoot at the Airspeeder for no damage.

Random draw for Tauntauns who double move and shoot onto the nearest Stormtroopers dropping them all except the unit leader!

Stormtroopers around Vader activate and move lobbing grenades to take out Airspeeder.

Random draw for last unit of Rebel Troopers who move and snatch up the second supply box.

Dewback continues to move around the building towards the Rebel lines and guns down 3 troopers.

Pathfinders move up and snipe the remaining Stormtrooper carrying the supply crate losing an activation to the Empire.

Vader spurs into combat only managing a single wound as the Tauns spend both dodge tokens to avoid most of the damage.

Turn 3

New Ways To Motivate Them (2) vs Crack Shot (1)

I was fast running low on bodies (as to be expected in this army!) but wanted to give my son a good game but not grabbing the objectives and running away. Besides, as if Lord Vader would turn away from an opportunity to cut down Rebels? Figuring Vader was safe enough in combat (unless he drew the Tauns first random and withdrew them...) I put face up order tokens down onto the Dewback in order to get into melee with a Rebel Trooper unit, and secondly allow Emperor Palpatine to use 'Pull The Strings' on Vader to hopefully kill the Tauns this round.

Random draw of K2SO. Calculate Odds and moves towards Emperor Palpatine.

Dewback rallies and takes a wound from NWTMT to trigger Tenacity. Takes a dodge token and spurs twice into melee with the Rebel Troopers with both boxes. Manage 3 hits and the Troopers block twice however the Dewback is safer in combat.

Random draw Pathfinders. Aim and shoot onto Palpatine. 2 hits (single critical), Guardian onto the Royal guard who takes damage and the Emperor takes a single wound.

Activate Palpatine. Moves towards K2SO and Force moves him towards him. Pull the Strings on Vader who does 4 wounds onto the Tauns.

Andor activates. He moves forward and guns down a Royal Guard and then takes another wound off the Emperor. 

Random draw for Vader. Aims and kills last Taun. 

Rebel troopers panic then drops the supplies and run away from the Dewback. 

Stormtroopers move and claim supply crate. 

Rebel troopers activate and lob fragmentation grenades at the Dewback. Dewback suffers two wounds. 

Royal guards charge at K2SO, no damage suffered. 

Stormtroopers activate and move and claim a supply crate. 

Turn 4

Vader's Might (1) vs Volunteer Mission (3)

This was turning out to be an extremely fun game and still had the potential to be very swingy. I played Vader's Might this turn with the intention of spurring into combat to pin down Cassian Andor and use both Force Push and Vader's Might to cause some trouble for the Pathfinders. If I could pull them towards Vader then I could potentially use Pull The Strings later to get another attack onto them if Cassian wasn't dead. I couldn't allow the last unit of Rebels to snatch the supply crates from the Dewback's location but I was also concerned with the lack of health my commander had.

Vader activates spurring into range 1 of the enemy. Force push Andor closer to me and then charge him doing 4 wounds. Force choke and Vader's might kills 3 Pathfinders moving them behind the wall nearby.

Rebel Troopers random draw and lob more grenades at the Dewback spending an aim to put a further two wounds onto the beast.

Royal Guard activates to do no damage onto K2SO.

Rebel Troopers fail to damage the Dewback however the suppression is mounting up.

Stormtroopers grab the second supply crate and move into the safety of line of sight blocking terrain from Troopers.

Pathfinders move and shoot onto the Dewback causing a single wound leaving it on its last wound and sporting 6 suppression tokens.

Stormtroopers random draw and move into the safety with the third crate for the Empire.

K2SO aims and smacks down the lone Royal Guard doing 4 damage.

Emperor Palpatine moves into range of Vader and uses 'Pulling the Strings' in order to allow the Dark Lord to cut down Cassian Andor.

Finally the Dewback fails to rally and starts trotting towards the board edge.

Turn 5

Master of Evil (3) vs Ultimate Sacrifice (3 - he won initiative)

Random draw of Rebel troopers who aim and lob frag grenades at the Dewback finally killing it.

Vader rallies and spurs into combat engaging K2SO doing 2 wounds.

Random draw of Rebel Troopers who move and grab one of the supply tokens.

Emperor Palpatine takes a dodge token and uses Pull the Strings on Vader who dispatches K2SO.

Pathfinders move behind wall.

Stormtroopers move and shoot killing two remaining Rebel Troopers destroying unit.

Stormtroopers sit tight.

At this point my opponent concedes as it's a tough slog.

Result - Imperial victory.


Despite a very low activation count and the first time I was using the Emperor it was an interesting game for me. I did enjoy Operative Vader but my son certainly wasn't paying much attention to him so he didn't meet a lot of resistance. Having Palpatine there to use 'Pull the Strings' to double attack him and throw 10 red dice per turn was pretty disgusting though.

I'll probably use the list again and hopefully have a game where my objectives are picked to make it a little easier but we'll see!

Thanks for reading.