Sunday, June 19, 2022

Star Wars Legion Tournament Report - Phoenix Games Unnatural Resources

Welcome folks,

Bryant at Phoenix Games put on another great event at Comics Plus in Annerley which I was lucky enough to attend and drag my son along to. 8 players attended with a variety off different lists. I was the only player using Empire, the Rebels were represented by 2 players as were the Republic. Finally the dirty droids made up 3 players.

It was an 800 point event using the scenario rules for Unnatural Resources which is here: 

As you can read from above, it was simply going to be a lot of tennis style back and forth lobbing of the Dianoga. Of course with the Dewbacks ability to spur they could often double tap it each turn to cause maximum effect.

I'd run this list a few times over the last fortnight and was getting pretty happy with it:

9 Activations

Director Orson Krennic 75

Darth Vader (Dark Lord of the Sith) 190 + 23 = 213
--Burst of Speed (3), Force Push (10), Saber Throw (5), Vigilance (5)
Stormtroopers 44

Snowtroopers 44

Stormtroopers 44 + 9 = 53
--R4 Astromech Droid (9)
3x Dewback Rider 70 + 5 = 75 x 3 = 225
--T-21 Blaster Rifle (5)
TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank 140 + 5 = 145
--Governor Pryce (5)

Vader's Might•, Implacable•, New Ways to Motivate Them••, Deploy the Garrison••, Master of Evil•••, Darkness Descends•••, Standing Orders••••

Vader getting closer to the enemy in a tank backed up by 3 Dewbacks under the watchful compelling gaze of Director Krennic ensured they would always get where they needed to be, and wouldn't panic because of being overloaded with suppression tokens. I did experiment with Tenacity on them but found having the white dice ranged attacks helped in the initial turns when they weren't in combat, and for sneaking a few wounds through onto targets of opportunity.

Finally having Pryce on the tank was a good way to ensure Vader had an aim token for maximum damage on the Sabre throw or hitting things in combat.

Generally, the orders went something like Darkness Descends, Deploy the Garrison (Vader + Dewback), then a combination of whatever I felt like.

Game 1 vs Richard

This was Richards first tournament which was great, but the best part was his 10 year old son Oscar was also playing. I didn't play Oscar but from observation he seemed to have a really good grasp of the rules and loved the game which is so cool to see at his age. Parenting done right!

Richard was running Grievous backed up with a T Series and Magnaguard. A heap of B1's filling out the core choices, a sniper team and rounded out with an AAT.

I deployed all of my army hugging the short table edge whilst Richard ensured his core was going to get to the objectives and start scoring victory points as quickly as possible.

The first turn was mainly pushing up with all forces whilst the armoured threats faced off against one another. Richard managed to put a wound or two onto my tank but in reply between the tank, dewbacks and Vader's sabre throw it took an unhealthy amount of damage in return sitting on 6 wounds. The Dianoga also played havoc throwing some suppression around which was going to be largely mitigated because of my armies commander. The end of the round saw both players hold a single objective.

Turn 2 saw the rearguard of Richard's B1's all advance accounting for another 3 victory points at the end of the round. I played Deploy the Garrison meaning the moment the AAT flinched Vader lobbed his sabre throw at it, destroying it. My army begun building up suppression tokens on to his commander and magnaguard through the Dianoga and when Master of Evil was played it ensure his key units each had 9+ suppression tokens and they started to rush for the table edges.

By turn 4 I was pushing my forces whilst capturing objectives and just edged out on victory points having only lost a single Dewback and a few Snowtroopers edging out the win.

Both Richard and Oscar went on to have a great day of Legion and fingers crossed they'll be at future events.

Game 2 vs Robert

I previously played against Robert in March at the BVC Tournament and was a pleasure to play against. Sporting his Rebels again in their visually appealing scheme he was running a solid group of core with a Rebel Officer, Op Luke, a Speeder Truck and Wookiees.

Robert played cagey (to his strengths) and hid most of his core until it was time to strike securing objectives early in the piece. Op Luke sat in the truck taking his time whilst I didn't do enough damage to it before it was close enough to unload its cargo. Two dewbacks died fairly quickly to the Dianoga which smashed my lines for wounds and suppression.

By the time Vader was in a position to do anything he'd already suffered 2-3 wounds and was whacked ceremoniously by his son. I tried to play for a morale victory either killing the bus or Luke but it just wasn't to be.

Congrats to Robert for a well played game and deserved victory.

I did learn some lessons from this game and it was perhaps to be more patient. The terrain didn't help me much but I feel as though I had the tools to tackle his list, but didn't execute it well enough.

Game 3 vs Bryan

I've played against Bryan years ago on the X-Wing circuit and he was the fellow who taught me Armada so it was good to see a familiar face. He was running a Rebel gunline supported with Leia and a pair of Tauntaun Riders to harass my lines.

I deployed to capture the objectives with my core, whilst pushing the advance with Dewbacks and Vader to the centre objective. My biggest problem was going to be the Tauns screaming down the opposite table edge picking off my core on the gas vents. I was anticipating sending Dewbacks after them as well as Vader sabre throwing from atop the tank.

Fortunately as luck would have it, what happened to me in the second game was replicated to Bryan's Tauntaun Riders. They advanced to the centre and the tennis match of hitting the Dianoga back and forth begun. Because I had more units he came off worse losing a Tauntaun rider mini and both units being heavily suppressed.

Deploy the Garrison ensured that Vader's standby triggered before they had much more of a say in the game and his activation then charged the second unit removing them. This allowed him to lob the Dianoaga towards the Rebel forces.

Bryan decided to concede cutting his losses as I hadn't lost anything at this stage and had the full weight of my army bearing down on him with Vader a turn away and about to jump out of line of sight of his army. This gave me my second victory of the day going 2-1 rewarding me with 3rd place.

Everyone picked up some good swag in the form of new minis, upgrade packs, alt art cards and dice trays/bags. Once again thanks to my opponents for the games and Bryant for his continued persistence in building a local community for Star Wars Legion.

Thanks for reading.