Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Vengeance Rising - Battle 21 - Tomb Kings vs High Elves

 My list was the usual with a few changes. I dropped a single SSc and the Light Priests magic items to insert a single unit of Stalkers.

Hierophant - Scroll
HLP - Lore of Light
20 Archers - Std, Mus
20 Archers - Std, Mus
25 Archers - Std
3 x 5 Horse Archers
2 x 6 Necropolis Knights - FC
3 Stalkers
Casket of Souls

High Elves:

Prince, Gen, 2++ AS, 4+ Ward
Noble, BSB - 2+, 5+ ward
Mage, Lvl 2 - Silver Wand
Mage, Lvl 2 - Scroll

LSG x23, FC
LSG x23, FC

Phoenix Guard x24 FC - BOS
White Lions x23, FC - Flaming
Lion Chariot

Great Eagle
Great Eagle
Great Eagle


Silver Wand High Mage - Shems, Pha's, Banishment
High Mage - Net, Bironas
Light Priest - Phas, Banishment, Speed, Net
Hierophant - Smiting, Desiccation, Veng, Skullstorm


High Elves win the roll off and elect to take the first turn.


Bironas on Chariot, Burning gaze on NK does nil. I dispel Banishment and Pha's goes through on the Lions.

Shooting drops a Knight from the block of Seaguard and the second unit drops 2 horse archers.


Pha's on knights protecting them from anymore fire, banishment kills the eagle whilst Spirit Leech does a single wound on the western eagle. Finally Net on Seaguard is attempted and dispelled.

Archers drop the eagle and 8 seaguard fall from the SSC.


Eagle charges HA.

Magic - Pha's on seaguard unit. Shems on Knights does 4 wounds, banishment goes IF doing 17 hits, leaving 2 knights left.

Magical feedback does a single wound to each of the High mages. Ouch.


2 wounds on Horse Archers.

Combat sees the eagle air swing and I crumble a single wound.

TK 2

Stalkers arrive into a bad position.

Spirit Leech onto the prince does nil, I fail to cast veng with snake eyes, banishment is dispelled on WL. I attempt net on the seaguard however it is scrolled. Finally LOD is dispelled.

Shooting drops 5 WL, SSC kills 5 seaguard, stalkers do nil and do one wound to me. :(

Drawn combat against Eagle vs Horse Archers.

HE 3

Lion chariot charges into Horse Archers. Seaguard into rear of Stalkers, Prince charges into Hierotitan.

Bironas on Phoenix Guard goes through, Net on the 2 remaining knights and finally Pha's on the combat Seaguard is dispelled.

Shooting does 3 wounds to the light priest's bunker.

Horse archer vanish in combat.

Stalkers kill mage, crumble and leave one left.

Prince does 2 wounds to Hierotitan, I do 2 wounds back drawing the combat.


TK 3

Horse archers charge White Lions, Knights fail the charge (too wide!). 2 remaining Knights charge flank of Seaguard.

Net cast on PG, Powered up smiting goes off healing some wounds here and there.

Archers fire drops 3 PG, 5 SG, SSC kills 2 HA (that were just revived!!). :(

Hierotitan drops the Prince courtesy of a 6 thunderstomping goodness. Horse archers hold up White Lions. Seaguard break with 2 models left, NK pursue 1" behind. Stalker reforms.

HE 4

Phoenix Guard charge the Hierotitan. Lion Chariot charges the Horse Archers.

Net cast on IF on the archers. Kills all of Seaguard and Mage.

WL pop HA, reform to face Knights. PG chew through HT (never rolled as many ones in my life!!) Phoenix Guard overrun into the flank of knights, oh dear.

TK 4

Pha's goes off boxcars on the Knights, I roll cascade wounding 5 PG, 3 archers and the Light priest and losing 6 dice. :(

The one phase I really needed perfection and my dice abandon me. Damn you Sleboda!! Speed of Light is easily dispelled.

Had my dice not abandoned me I would have powered through a Skullstorm onto the Phoenix guard but clearly it was not meant to be.

1 White Lion drops to the stalker and another falls with an arrow in his head. SSC takes out a single White Lion (seeing a pattern here??). Archers attempt to pepper the eagle however the bird is just too quick.

The Necropolis Knight champion declares a challenge and the PG champion accepts falling to the amount of attacks incoming.

I crumble a snake for my troubles.


White lions charge Snakes, Lion chariot into archers. Eagle into SSC.

Lion chariot does 5 wounds I crumble 9 archers holding with 7 remaining and reform. The BSB kills the NK champion, rest of my snakes crumble. Eagle predictably wounds and destroys the SSC.


Desiccation on White Lions goes through. LOD kills 5 White Lions, Skullstorm goes off and promptly misfires wounding my Hierophant.

The remaining Stalker misfires committing sepuku. Archers take out the last eagle.

HE 6

White Lions charge Skeleton archers and only the champion remains after the combat holding.

Phoenix Guard charge archers destroy them and overrun into other group of archers.


Smiting and Pha's goes off on archers, another snake eyes attempt on speed of light. My dice can now eat AIDS and die.

Archers kill White Lion champion. Phoenix Guard kill archers leaving 9 left.

Result - TK Victory (HE had 750 remaining plus two banners I had a little over 1300 points plus 2 banners and axed (or is that stomped?) the enemy general.


Well a victory supposedly. It certainly didn't feel like it and in my mind I call this a draw and even that's being modest. Firstly I can't be to agitated, this is a dice game and on occasion (such as this) my dice tend to go haywire. I'm sure Æsir will attest to this and he even admitted he's never seen anyone roll a string of 1's like me but my Hierotitan against the Phoenix Guard rolled 4 x 1's in a row, makes me a sad TK player! On the flip side I've never seen anyone roll as many 4+ on his ward saves and anything else he was required to make, amazing. The stalkers probably weren't the best unit to show case against Elves but I'm considering leaving them there for a few games to see what comes of it. I certainly did miss that Book of Ashur though but unsure if it would have really impacted on the game. Boy I did miss that second SSC though, certainly reinforces the 'one is none, two is one' theory.

Great to meet Æsir and I look forward to our next battle.

A well fought game that was very back and forth.

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