Friday, May 29, 2020

Memorable Models

For most gamers, we each have a connection to some memorable models in our different armies across different systems. Whilst some models have the power to make us start a particular force or army, others are such powerhouses that you'd be a fool not to include them.

When FFG first announced the Dewback expansion, I told myself that it didn't matter show shit of a unit they were, I'd be confidently including them in as many Legion army lists as I possibly could. I picked up two of the beasts and they were the type of unit that once I started painting them, I simply couldn't put down. They're tough, resilient and can lay down some serious punishment if given the opportunity.

Another model similar to that, even though I bought it for a friend's birthday, is the Forgeworld Bloodthirster. Despite it taking me weeks to paint, it was a mammoth task but also extremely fun. It was the largest model I'd worked on to date and was tempted at the time to start a Daemons of Chaos force in order to get another to paint.

Another miniature that comes to mind for me is the High Elves Phoenix. I was lucky enough to have wingman Todd help me heaps with a tutorial on YouTube we found turning it into an insane looking model. Even though the Flamespyre Phoenix was normally second to the Frost version, I have fond memories of the bird getting killed only to come back to life next turn.

Swinging back to FFG, when it comes to X-Wing the TIE Punisher is an absolute favourite for me. It's tough, not particularly fast but can punch out some serious damage (before it normally gets destroyed by turn 3...). In typical Star Wars Empire fashion, if something is functional like the TIE Bomber, just add more ordnance pods to it. In Armada, one of my standout ships is the Interdictor. Even before some newer upgrades made the ship competitive, I just loved the unique feel of the ship, and the fact it can interfere with the deployment of obstacles.

Even though I could continue for pages about different models that conjure up different memories for me, I'll close with a final favourite. That is the Tomb Kings Necrosphinx.


Despite not being seen a lot of the battlefield because of it's point value in 8th edition Warhammer, the model simply couldn't be ignored. Not even the Tomb Kings had power to influence these constructs and they were fueled by pure hatred for trespassers stomping through the desert. Having the ability to 'Heroic Killing Blow' a creature as well was always a test of nerve when you were rolling your dice and the opponent was dreading that lucky '6' to come up.

What is a memorable model/miniature that has drawn you into a wargame?

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