Sunday, April 23, 2023

Vengeance Rising - Battle 16 - 1500 TK vs Empire - B&G - Game 2

 Was keen to make this list work so a re-match was in order!

Blood & Glory Game 2

Tomb Kings

Level 4
32 Archers
4 Chariots - flaming
2 x Warsphinx


BSB - Pegasus
5 Knights - Std, Mus
40 Halberdiers
4 Demigryph Knights


Spell selection:

Level 4 - Smiting, Cursed Blades, Desiccation, protection

Emp 1

Banishment on east Warsphinx does a single wound.

TK 1

LOD does nothing. Cursed blades on Necrosphinx.

DGK take 2 wounds from shooting.

Emp 2

BSB charges chariots.

Archlector casts re-roll wounds within 6" of him.

Helblaster shoots western sphinx and does 1 wound. Cannon misfires.

In combat the BSB does 2 wounds and a further chariot crumbles.

TK 2

Warsphinx fails to charge knights.

Cursed blades onto chariots and heals.

Archers kill a DMK.

Combat I crumble another chariot.

Emp 3

DMK charge into NS.

Re-rolls to wound goes off IF.

Helblaster kills 1 archer.

Necrosphinx is on one wound after doing a single one.

Lose another chariot.

TK 3

Warsphinx chargers Archlector and the other into knights.

LOD does nothing. Cursed blades onto the Warsphinx against Archlector, powered up smiting

goes off regening some wounds here and there.

9 halberdiers drop to archers. Fail panic and run off the board.

Warsphinx kills 3 knights and breaks them, I reform to face BSB general direction.

Chariots do FA and crumble 1 more.

NS drops. Demiknights face archers.

Archlector wounds Warsphinx. I do nothing back.


DMK charge archers.

Warsphinx does no damage. BSB kills remaining chariots. Demiknights slot my general winning the day for the Empire.

Result - Empire Victory.


Where to start. Maybe I'm playing too aggressively with the Sphinx list but in essence they aren't that difficult to take out of the equation. 6's to wound anything is the bane here and for the next game I'm keen to swap them out for another configuration (unit of knights and a unit of stalkers and enter in two SSC for some ranged support). I think those additions would suit my playstyle a lot better. Oh and I also think I'm going to get rid of the chariots for a few games and bring in more archers. They just don't suit my playstyle and I'd rather be sitting back unloading S3 goodness into the enemy than scooting around flanks playing tag.

Those Demigryph knights are the premium infantry blenders, just amazing and very cheap for what they do! There achilles heel though however - toughness 3. Sure they've got a 1+ armour save however if you put enough firepower into them those 1's will surely come up. Drop a nice desiccation into them as well and our arrows start wounding them on 3's which is something to be mindful of.

My opponent was talking about dropping his Archlector and adding in another unit of Demigryph knights, what a head ache that would be if he did this!!

I'm my own worst enemy in this game. I think I rush a little too much in regards to making snap decisions and running with it without fully analysing what my opponent will do. I should have repositioned my Eastern warsphinx on turn 1 to cover the flank of the chariots rather than move it out of position, this could have swung everything but it was not to be.

Hopefully next game I would have my much needed revenge against the Empire which I'm yet to get a win against in the new edition!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Vengeance Rising - Battle 15 - 1500 TK vs Empire - Blood & Glory - 7/7/12

Blood and Glory

Tomb Kings

Level 4
32 Archers
4 Chariots - flaming
2 x Warsphinx


BSB - Pegasus
5 Knights - Std, Mus
40 Halberdiers
4 Demigryph Knights

Level 4 - Desiccation, Veng, Smiting, Protection


TK win the roll off and elect to take first turn.


Vengeance goes off on the Demigryphs dropping their movement by 3. Shooting fails to inflict any casualties.

Empire 1

Champion of Demi knights takes a wound from difficult terrain test.

5+ ward on everything within 6" in combat. Banishment is dispelled.

Cannon kills eastern Warsphinx.


Necrosphinx charges Demiknights.

Smiting on the archers. Lod does a single wound to the cannon.

Shooting fails to wound War Altar.

Necrosphinx takes 4 wounds, does one back to BSB and crumbles. :(

Empire 2

Banishmnet goes off IF, 6 archers croak it.

Cannon misfires.

Helblaster misfires and becomes 9 shots into archers. Kills 2.


At this stage I was just going to attempt to inflict some damage before dying!

Warsphinx charges War Altar. Chariots fail to charge Knights.

Magic does nothing.

Warsphinx holds with War Altar.

Empire 4

BSB + Demigryphs charge into Archers.

Kill archers and general, winning the game.

Result - Empire Victory

Well my luck didn't carry over from last weekend. My opponent was very lucky to score so many wounds on the Necrosphinx in the opening combat, just frustrating. Sure they maybe T8 but without armour save it doesn't account for much. It was a quick game but plenty of time for more.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Vengeance Rising - Battle 14 - 1500 TK vs Dark Elves 29/6/12

It was to be a cracking battle, I had a gut full of nearly half a kilo of kangaroo and I was pumped to dismantle the dark elves with ranged fire power and much stompy stompy from the warsphinxes!!

My opponent drops his hydra on the ground breaking off a head and two legs, this could be a good omen.




Level 4 – Channelling staff
20 Archers – Std
20 Archers – Std
4 Chariots – Std, Flaming
2 x Warsphinxes – FB
2 x SSC


Level 4
Hag – Cauldron
11 Xbowmen
20 Corsairs
6 Shades
2 Hydras


Spell selection:

Sorceress - black horror, word of pain, doombolt, soul stealer, power of darkness,

Hierophant - Desert Wind, Smiting, Desiccation, Vengeance


Cauldron puts 5+ ward on corsairs.

Magic - Word of pain reduces archers to BS1.

Chariot takes 2 wounds from shades.


Light of Death kills 2 xbowmen

5 xbowmen die to shooting


Cauldron puts Ward on Xbowmen.

Doombolt on warsphinx does nil. Word of pain on archers again. Black horror dispelled.

4 wounds on chariots from shades.


WS charges xbowmen, fails, pass terror.

Desiccation on xbowmen

Shooting wipes out xbowmen and puts 2 wounds on level 4. 1 wound on shade.


5+ ward on corsairs from cauldron.

Hyrdas charge Warsphinx. East one fails.

level 4 moves into corsairs.

Power of darkness adds 2 dice to pool. black horror on archers kills 9. doombolt on chariots fails to dispel does 5 wounds.

Hydra kills Sphinx. :(

TK 3

Chariot into Hydra and Warsphinx into Corsairs flank.

Smiting on warsphinx, LOD does 2 wounds to Hydra

SSC scatters and takes out a shade.

Archers destroy shades.

Crew kill BSB, and kill a further 8 corsairs however they're steadfast.

Chariot kills hydra and overruns.


Hydra charges into rear of chariot.

Power of darkness goes through. black horror kills 3 archers. word of agony dispelled from sphinx.

Chariot dies. Hydra reforms to face Archers.

Warsphinx breaks Corsairs, reforms to face rear of Hyrda.


Warsphinx into Hydras flank.

Desiccation onto Hydra. Powered up smiting goes off. Heals wound on sphinx and 3 archers get up.

Archers kill level 4 and 2 corsairs are left. SSC kill another 1.

Drawn combat between sphinx and hydra.


Corsair continues to run.

Warsphinx kills Hydra.

Op concedes.

Result - Tomb Kings Victory

Wow, eating that kangaroo sure paid off. :)

All I can say is I was pretty lucky that I didn't cope both the hydras on my warsphinx at the same time, had that happened then they would have rolled the sphinx and been into my back lines and that would have been a wrap. As it happens the dice were fickle and the double ones saved my boney hide this time.


1500 points certainly feels like a more tactical game than the usual 2500 I’m use to. You really feel every wound that your army takes so at this points level the healing certainly felt good to have even though it didn’t change anything major.

Things for me to take note of next game, ensure I keep my chariots out of range of shooters to ensure they don’t take any more damage than what is necessary (Shades).

The shooting elements of this list were fantastic, probably a few too many points invested in shooting however it really decimated the Xbowmen and forced the level 4 to join the unit of Corsairs preventing them from charging.

Things would have gone completely different had the second Hydra made it into combat when they both charged but alas it was not to be.

I was also extremely lucky in the fact the chariot pinged the last wound off the Hydra! I was thinking about reforming the unit and positioning it off to draw the Hydra away from the casket but decided to overrun but it didn’t get me far enough. This however did allow my Warsphinx to gain the flank but perhaps a round of shooting against the Hydra would have been a wiser choice.

Thanks for reading!