Monday, August 7, 2023

The Power of Connection: How Tabletop Wargaming Cultivates Positive Social Skills

Tabletop wargaming is more than just a hobby; it's a captivating social experience that brings people together and fosters a sense of community. Beyond the excitement of commanding armies and engaging in epic battles, wargaming offers numerous positive social aspects that can be applied to modern-day society, particularly in the world of business strategies and tactics. In this blog post, we will explore the cognitive functions utilised in tabletop wargaming and how they relate to interpersonal dynamics and decision-making in the today's world.

Communication and Collaboration

One of the essential aspects of tabletop wargaming is communication and collaboration. Players must effectively communicate their strategies and tactics to their teammates and indirectly their opponents, fostering teamwork and synergy. In the business world, effective communication is crucial for successful collaboration among team members and even younger children in a household environment. Being able to articulate ideas, listen actively, and work together harmoniously enables businesses as well as households to tackle challenges and achieve their objectives efficiently.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Tabletop wargaming demands constant critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Players must analyse the battlefield, predict their opponents' moves, and adjust their strategies accordingly. Similarly, in today's world, critical thinking and problem-solving are vital for navigating complex situations, anticipating market trends, and making sound decisions. Wargaming nurtures this ability to think strategically, honing it to be applied to real-world business challenges. In a house-hold environment, these skills transfer to a priority tasking solving the greatest issue first, before working on secondary ones.

  1. Decision-Making Under Pressure

In the heat of battle, tabletop wargamers must make split-second decisions that can impact the outcome of the game. This experience trains them to think rationally and make sound decisions even under pressure. In the fast-paced business environment, where time is of the essence, decision-making under pressure is invaluable. Tabletop wargaming helps professionals develop composure and confidence when making critical business choices. For the younger generation, this can transfer to split second decisions on the sports field as an example.

  1. Emotional Intelligence

Wargaming provides an opportunity for players to understand and manage their emotions. Winning or losing can evoke strong emotions, and learning to channel them constructively is essential in wargaming and in life. It's never going to go to plan and in most modern day societies, we're all expected to strive to be absolute better versions of ourselves when it comes to career, professional development, personal development and every other aspect of life. Just be positive and everything will go to plan right? Well, not always. Losses and failure are inevitable parts of life, they're also wonderful learning tools in context.

Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognise and understand emotions in oneself and others, enhances leadership skills and fosters positive team dynamics. In business, leaders with high emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate their teams effectively. This is also doubly true in a family household. If a child can use leadership qualities to motivate and inspire siblings to achieve goals, at that age it is a massive asset.

  1. Adaptability and Flexibility

Tabletop wargaming often requires players to adapt their strategies on the fly based on the changing battlefield dynamics. The ability to adjust to unforeseen circumstances is crucial in both wargaming and life in general. Being adaptable and flexible enables businesses to stay competitive, pivot when needed, and respond to dynamic market conditions effectively. Have this pair of qualities in life is also of incredible benefit, if you can embrace change and 'fail' forward and fast, you will be a step ahead of everyone else.

Building Relationships

Through tabletop wargaming, players build meaningful relationships with fellow enthusiasts. The camaraderie and friendships formed in gaming communities can translate to the business world, where strong professional relationships and networks play a significant role in career advancement and business opportunities.

I have created some amazing friendships within the wargaming community and once you get to know these people, they generally have some similar thought patterns in most aspects of life.

Screen-less Interaction

On a personal note, the biggest positive for me as a parent to a young tabletop gamer, is the cultivating of all of these skills without the need for electronic devices. There is something to be said entering into a contract of fun or competition with your opponent, across from you which can't be emulated on an electronic device.

Shaking hands and having a de-brief goes a long way to enhancing a player's skill set, this is something that isn't possible in video games of today.


Tabletop wargaming offers a plethora of positive social aspects that extend beyond the game table. The cognitive functions utilised, such as communication, critical thinking, decision-making under pressure, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and relationship-building, have direct applications in the modern business world. By participating in wargaming, individuals can sharpen these skills and apply them to strategise, collaborate, and lead in the business arena. So, whether you're a seasoned wargamer or a business professional seeking to enhance your social skills, consider the power of connection that tabletop wargaming offers and how it can positively impact your life journey.

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